
“Gambler” in Telluride Film Festival

The Short Film “Gambler”, directed by Karim Lak-Zadeh & produced by IYCS’s office in Shiraz has been selected for the competition section of Telluride Film

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RIP, Davoud Rashidi. Davoud Rashidi was one of the best Iranian actors who studied acting in France & his memorable roles will never fade out.

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 A Memory of “National Day of Book & Cinema” Last year during the National Day of Book & Cinema” beside the 32nd Tehran International Short

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Time Flies It was at the previous edition of TISFF where Kiarostami’s student’s films were being screened, I promised myself to join his workshops where

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The Youngest Fan of TISFF 22ed The youngest Fan of TISFF named Farimah from “Talesh” a city in north of Iran.